Beta-2 released

Welcome to the Beta-2 release of System Reset

This release contains 3 weeks of updates, mostly focused on improving feature parity with Noctis IV, and making the experience overall better. Linux builds are also back!

Changes since Beta-1:

  • Added hoppers and birds on Felysian worlds. Their behaviour doesn't match Noctis IV exactly just yet, and hoppers aren't animated, but they should at least bring some more life (heh) to these worlds!
  • Implemented smoother interstellar travel; you can now see the star and its planets as you move into the system and out of it with the Vimana drive.
  • Added rain effect on Felysian worlds. Note that this can be pretty heavy and distracting, so be mindful of landing in storms.
  • Temperature and Pressure is now shown in the HUD.
  • Stars are now hidden on planets with atmosphere during daytime.
  • Improved how water looks on Felysian worlds, though it still looks pretty bad.
  • Added 'remote target data' panel.
  • Added 'local target data' panel.
  • Improved planet ring particle effect.
  • Internal light can now be toggled on and off.
  • Implemented auto screen sleep functionality.
  • Added ability to change pitch using arrow buttons on the Stardrifter's main screen.
  • Implemented normal and reverse pitch controls.
  • Remote target indicator is now shown for direct parsis target.
  • Updated remote target indicator sprite to match Noctis IV's.
  • Galactic Cartography screen now displays the time and current parsis coordinates correctly.
  • Setting remote target now no longer instantly warps you out of a local system even if you don't activate the Vimana drive.
  • Fixed issue where previous remote target would not always be restored when backing out of setting remote target using Escape key.
  • Fixed issue where you'd load onto Westos if restoring a save game with a direct parsis target set.
  • Fixed issue where physics would glitch out when moving out to planets far away from their parent star.
  • Fixed issue where setting local target to '1' using the keyboard made that local target not be displayed in the HUD correctly.

Files 26 MB
23 days ago
system-reset-beta2-linux.tar.gz 25 MB
23 days ago

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